Welcome one and all to the 'Philippine Railway Historical Society' blogsite. This site was set up to share photos, historical pieces, comment and virtually anything else pertaining to transportation in the Philippines, with a special emphasis on rail. Occasional we vary from topic, but this is the less serious side of the hobby shining through - cause sometimes, in this miserable and uptight world, we just take ourselves a little too seriously. Since 1999, the Philippine Railway Historical Society has regularly published items, FOR FREE, of railway interest on our PRHS Website. These include locomotive, rollingstock and transit updates, as well as our occasional magazine, 'Along Da Riles'. Our interest base has grown over the years with our main Facebook railway group expanding to include groups interested in other Philippine Transport, modelling of Philippine transport and even a group for Philippine railfans interested in overseas railways. If it sounds interesting, come join in the fun of the oldest, and most diverse, group dedicated to Philippine railways and other transport. We look forward to meeting you.
If you have a question Philippine railway related, just drop us a line, maybe we can help. _ _
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Our first stop after the 'Hawaiian-Philippine Sugar Company' mill was 'Lopez Sugar' at Fabrica.
Had been expecting to see just the one locomotive, so seeing the second was quite the bonus.
I've recently heard rumour that at least one diesel locomotive may still be stored somewhere in the mill, however this is yet to be confirmed and getting any sort of information from most mills is near impossible.
The 'Hawaiian-Philippine Sugar Company' visit will be covered in a three part special down the track. Pun intended :-)
We always welcome news, photos and small articles for inclusion on both this site and our parent group (see below). Please email us!
PRHS.Society at gmail.com
The Philippine Railway Historical Society and forums on Facebook and Yahoo groups have further information regarding these interesting railways and also a number of chat forums for those interested in all areas of Philippine transportation.
Our various forums have the latest news and information from a number of very knowledgeable people. Please join in with our PRHS family, learn about the railways of the Philippines and make new friends.
We now act as a information society, having removed ourselves from the badder elements of the Manila railfan hobby, existing to meet and help others with similar interests.
PRHS - Longest Running Philippine Railways group.
25 years of serving the Philippine railway hobby.
The PRHS regularly publishes magazines (mostly ezines, but sometimes hard copies) covering different railway topics. Locomotive, rollingstock and transit updates, publications aimed at modellers and our occasional magazine 'Along Da Riles'. In the future, we are planning a number of other publications of interest to everyone, along with plans for a regularly updated database, and another plan that could prove to be a first for the Philippines. PRHS: Bringing a railfan hobby to the nation.
Want more information on the PRHS or have another Philippine railway enquiry?
Philippine Railway Historical Society
For all your Philippine railway information photos and chat, please visit our HOMEPAGE! Our group and activities are free - we are here to promote interest in the Philippine railways, make friendships and help with information. We are not a fundraising group and do not ask for funds. Do you support the past and future of the railways in the Philippines? Come chat with us atPRHSFacebook.We look forward to meeting you.
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