
Welcome one and all to the 'Philippine Railway Historical Society' blogsite. This site was set up to share photos, historical pieces, comment and virtually anything else pertaining to transportation in the Philippines, with a special emphasis on rail. Occasional we vary from topic, but this is the less serious side of the hobby shining through - cause sometimes, in this miserable and uptight world, we just take ourselves a little too seriously.
Since 1999, the Philippine Railway Historical Society has regularly published items, FOR FREE, of railway interest on our PRHS Website. These include locomotive, rollingstock and transit updates, as well as our occasional magazine, 'Along Da Riles'.
Our interest base has grown over the years with our main Facebook railway group expanding to include groups interested in other Philippine Transport, modelling of Philippine transport and even a group for Philippine railfans interested in overseas railways.
If it sounds interesting, come join in the fun of the oldest, and most diverse, group dedicated to Philippine railways and other transport.
We look forward to meeting you.

If you have a question Philippine railway related, just drop us a line, maybe we can help.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024



During 2010 we would return to Lutucan (Quezon Province) for a second visit.
I had enjoyed the spot so much in 2009, that it was on top of my bucket list for a return.
Actually, I have been back a few times since, with most of my southern railway adventures usually taking in this fascinating location.
Since the taking of these photos, this small station has undergone some restoration by PNR. The currently look will be covered on this blog down the track however, if you wish to see it on video now, check out our latest Lutucan Station video here
A link to our 2009 visit can be found below.

Interested In The Philippines.

Lutucan Railway Station underneath the awning.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Lutucan Station waiting area.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Lutucan Railway Station entire structure looking from the south end.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Skates, sleds, or whatever you choose to call them, sitting just south of Lutucan station awaiting their next turn of duty.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Lutucan Railway Station close up of the structure.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Lutucan Railway Station entire structure looking from the north end.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Railway crane had already been in town for some time for use in rebuilding the washed out bridge to the north of the station.
We previously got it there in 2009 before the two sides had been reconnected.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Above and below: Railway crossing signage near the station.
Photos: Brad Peadon

More sleds on the north side of the level crossing.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Same view taken from a wee bit further north.
Photo: Brad Peadon

The section of line that was wiped out on my previous visit.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Bridge just north of Lutucan station and the creek it passes over (below).
Photos: Brad Peadon

Beautiful view to be seen from passing trains.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Another crossing sign, this one being on the western side of the track.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Various shots of the various last MC class railcars in existence. Hopefully one day there will be the interest needed to see her preserved.
Photos: Brad Peadon

Lastly, a couple of images of this beautiful Sarao built Jeepney that showed up during out inspection.
Photos: Brad Peadon


Video: Conception Flagstop.

Video: Lutucan Station.

Video: Lutucan Station 2022.

Thanks to:

MrX, Kuya, Onyo, and Nhing.

Further Reading: 

Interested In The Philippines.

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