2019 - DESCO Part 2
Finally, here is the second part of the DESCO Engineering coverage.
At the time of this trip, I would never have dreamed that it would be the last time I could return to the Philippines until 2022. We had been getting used to being back in the routine of at least one annual visit, sometimes two.
However, it was worth it given the generosity afforded us by DESCO and PNR.
Anyway, that guff is all quite irrelevant to the article.
While partaking in my twelfth visit, we were blessed with an invitation from the 'Philippine National Railways' to visit the DESCO Engineering factory in Binan Laguna.
For it was here that they were rebuilding my beloved U15C (yes it is a U15C, no matter what the rumour spreaders say) 902, along with sister unit 913, and we were able to photographically cover progress for historical reasons.
Part of the agreement of the visit was that the photos would not be used until after these two locomotives were finished. While they were completed, and back in service, some time ago, it was just recently that I confirmed the ability to share.
I am very excited to be able now to show the photos of this very interesting part of PNR locomotive history.
Due to the nature of these shots (they must be unaltered in any way), any desire to use 'needs' permission to be granted. You can contact the 'Philippine Railway Historical Society' at the email address on each image with details of where, and how, you wish to use them and I can follow up with the relevant organisations.
Please try to respect their generosity in allowing us to bring this part of Philippine railway history to you.
Edwin (DESCO), Mark (PNR/PRHS), Rene (DESCO) and myself.
DESCO Factory - Binan Laguna
Photo: Brad Peadon
U14C #913 at left.
U15C #902 at right.
DESCO Factory - Binan Laguna
Photo: Brad Peadon
My baby getting the full treatment.
DESCO Factory - Binan Laguna
Photo: Brad Peadon
Can't have a trip to the Philippines without catching up with PNR Flagship 902. A tradition since 1999.
DESCO Factory - Binan Laguna
Photo: Brad Peadon
Pilot of U15C 902.
DESCO Factory - Binan Laguna
Photo: Brad Peadon
DXL-485 the DESCO shuttle bus.
DESCO Factory - Binan Laguna
Photo: Brad Peadon
Mark checking out progress on 902.
DESCO Factory - Binan Laguna
Photo: Brad Peadon
U14C 913 taken from 902.
DESCO Factory - Binan Laguna
Photo: Mark Chua
U15C 902.
DESCO Factory - Binan Laguna
Photo: Mark Chua
Looking down the chassis, away from the cab, of U15C 902.
DESCO Factory - Binan Laguna
Photo: Mark Chua
The Finished Product
U15C 902 approaches Pasay Road station with a passenger train from Alabang to Tutuban.
Photo: Brad Peadon
U14C 913 reflects on her long career with the Philippine National Railways.
Tayuman Locomotive Shed in Manila.
DESCO Factory - Binan Laguna
Photo: Brad Peadon
Thanks To:
The management of the 'Philippine National Railways', in particular former General Manager Junn Magno and Atty Ces Lauta.
The management and staff of DESCO Engineering (Binan, Laguna), in particular manager Rene and Kuya Edwin.
Members of the Philippine Railway Historical Society.
Mark Chua (PNR, PRHS, GMA :-) )
Onyo Artocillo (B-I-L and Driver)
Further reading:

The only group dedicated to everything related to the 900s.
Note: Members will only be accepted if questions answered.
Note: This is a contribution-based group. Only contributors will remain members.
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