' November Update '
* Fiddling with my Skyscrapercity account and the photo sharing feature of it.
* Attack on PhilippineRailways Yahoogroup
* Regular censorship of my postings on Facebook group 'PNR,LRT,MRT in the Philippin
es' by a select member now removed. Corrected by a very kind group owner and appreciated.
* Attack on PhilippineRailways Yahoogroup
* Changing of my settings on Facebook group 'PNR.LRT,MRT in the Philippines' to prohibit posting to the board. Corrected again by a very kind group owner and appreciated.
The Filipino is a very god fearing people, I wonder what god thinks about these continual actions?
The PRHS is a research, help and publishing group. It costs money to run, but it is done voluntarily to help others. Sadly other people seek to destroy our efforts to help you, even though we do not benefit personally from it..
Remember: Always stop and consider all points of view, before
rushing head first into a ill-informed conclusion! To not do so makes you look like a fool in front of the conveyor of false information.
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