
Welcome one and all to the 'Philippine Railway Historical Society' blogsite. This site was set up to share photos, historical pieces, comment and virtually anything else pertaining to transportation in the Philippines, with a special emphasis on rail. Occasional we vary from topic, but this is the less serious side of the hobby shining through - cause sometimes, in this miserable and uptight world, we just take ourselves a little too seriously.
Since 1999, the Philippine Railway Historical Society has regularly published items, FOR FREE, of railway interest on our PRHS Website. These include locomotive, rollingstock and transit updates, as well as our occasional magazine, 'Along Da Riles'.
Our interest base has grown over the years with our main Facebook railway group expanding to include groups interested in other Philippine Transport, modelling of Philippine transport and even a group for Philippine railfans interested in overseas railways.
If it sounds interesting, come join in the fun of the oldest, and most diverse, group dedicated to Philippine railways and other transport.
We look forward to meeting you.

If you have a question Philippine railway related, just drop us a line, maybe we can help.

Saturday, February 1, 2020


The 'Philippine Railway Historical Society' has long aimed to promote the hobby, and local fans efforts to do the same.
We believe there is far more to the future of the Philippine railway hobby than just posts on Facebook. Together, we will continue to grow the hobby much further than it is today.
PRHS member, Gabriel Gutirrez, is certainly one of the Philippines leading photographers, his amazing photography being regularly, and generously, shared on the PRHS group and publications.
The rail hobby has been growing for 21 years now, and now we are beginning to see the emergence of the railfan hobby industry. The other week it was Fremel's drawings, while I am aware of something bigger beginning in the coming year or two.

  Today it is Gabriel's new postcards.
He recently announced the first in a new line of postcards covering Manila railway topics. Each postcard being printed on glossy photo paper.

Minimum of 8pcs for postcard size = 50php each
Minimum of 4pcs for A4 size = 100php each

To contact Gabriel.
Instagram: @phminitrainsgtg 
Private Message (Messenger) 

If experiencing problems, feel free to contact the PRHS via their email address and we will endeavour to help you contact Gabriel.

No photo description available.

Please show Gabriel some support for his efforts and get yourself some of his wonderful photography to keep forever.

Stay tuned, there is a lot more behind the scenes hobby work going on right now.

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