Sunday, August 23, 2009


This posting is mostly the result of a request on the PRHS PHILIPPINE_MODELLING group for a look at the rather historical panel in the tower at Tayuman.
One of the members has an awesome plan to model the yard at Tutuban/Tayuman and I remembered the track diagrams that appear in these photos from May. I am hoping these will be of use to his project.
Thanks to Karel Brouwers for his assistance in being able to visit this interesting tower, which has recently been reported as a contender for demolition.

Starting at the north end of the yard at Tayuman street you can see the loco shop at the far right, along with a connecting line that ran behind it to sidings where, until recently, squatters ruled supreme.
Today there is no sign of this connecting line, or the tracks
of the sidings it once served.
To the far left is the junction for the north and south lines.
Much visible is the mount of signalling that once existed and was
controlled by the tower.

Further on we can still see the loco shed and then the fans
of tracks that once existed here.
To the bottom is the carriage sheds, while in the centre is the former turntable.

The end of the sidings pretty much show where the current Tutuban station is nowdays, while at the bottom, to the right of the strange pink gadget, is presumably the line to the port, assuming it has since changed its location.

Tutuban station, now converted into Tutuban mall.
All this trackage is long gone, the yard area now carpark at the station now used by the population to relieve themselves of money.

A bonus shot of a caboose taken from up in the tower. This vehicle is currently used on clearing train duties as part of the Linkage Project.

Philippine Modelling
If you are interested in modelling any area of the Philippines, regardless of whether or not it is railway related, then you are welcome to join the PRHS Philippine Modelling group.
Members model in a variety of scales, in a variety of ways
and even a variety of topics.
No matter what you may model, many of the principles are the same and we invite you to join us, discuss what your modelling, give hints, ask
questions and make friends along the way.

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