Monday, March 30, 2020


Part 3 - After Daylight Breaks

Thanks to PRHS Roving Reporter
Mark Chua

All photos remain the copywrite of Mark Chua.
Please do not use without permission.
We respectfully ask that you please share the blog URL should you wish to share.

Railways - More fun In The Philippines.

Philippine Railway Historical Society
Facebook and Website


Test: Top for from Mess, Bottom 3 first saved.

Sunday, March 29, 2020


Part 2 - 8104 T2 Arrives

Thanks to PRHS Roving Reporter
Mark Chua

All photos remain the copywrite of Mark Chua.
Please do not use without permission.
We respectfully ask that you please share the blog URL should you wish to share.

Railways - More Fun In The Philippines


Happening Now

Thanks to PRHS Roving Reporter
Mark Chua

All photos remain the copywrite of Mark Chua.
Please do not use without permission.
We respectfully ask that you please share the blog URL should you wish to share

Railways - More Exciting In The Philippines.

Philippine Railway Historical Society on Facebook 
and Twitter.


Edited: 23:34 (20:34 Manila Time)  29/03/2020
Check back for more updates.

We are, again, very proud to be able to show Philippine railway supporters some more photos of the third shipment of brand new DMUs. 
Even more capacity for PNR passenger services.

Be ready to see them busy riding the rails soon.

Maraming salamat to all in the Philippines who have made these new railcars.

Terima kasih to INKA of Indonesia for your terrific work.

If wishing to share, which you are very welcome to do, please share via the website URL and not 'Rising Philippine' style.


PRHS Transportation SIG.
Philippine Railway Historical Society Is Now On Twitter.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020



Edited: 15:23 (12:23 Manila Time)  25/03/2020

We are, again, very proud to be able to show Philippine railway supporters some more photos of the new shunting locomotives that have just arrived in the Philippines (Port of Manila). 
It is believed that they will be used to relieve the current road switchers (shunters for my fellow Aussies) on yard duties.
That being the 5000 and remaining 2500 classes. Those operating are expected to go into mainline work, mostly perway in nature.

Be ready to see them busy riding the rails soon.

Maraming salamat to all in the Philippines who have made these new locomotives possible.

Terima kasih to INKA of Indonesia for your terrific work.

If wishing to share, which you are very welcome to do, please share via the website URL and not 'Rising Philippine' style.

This post may be updated with extra 
information in coming days.
Stay tuned.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Image may contain: Edwin Gatia, smiling, sky, grass, outdoor and nature
Photo: Edwin Gatia (Facebook)

PRHS Member Since 2011

I sadly never got to meet Edwin, though we talked numerous times online.
 He had many interests, but his mountain climbing one seemed to be his greatest passion. None impressed me more than his visit to the top of the Mayon Volcano and the photo he sent me of him being there.
You will be missed sir.
Brad Peadon (PRHS)

Image may contain: Edwin Gatia
Photo: Edwin Gatia (Facebook)

Sunday, March 15, 2020

PNR Rollingstock Status - 2004 Until Today
Version 3
The latest PRHS publication is a update on our popular series of rollingstock updates. As with the previous versions, the content has been expanded and brought up to the current day.
As with all PRHS publications, it is available to download and keeps for free (walang pera) HERE.

Previous publications can be found here:

Saturday, March 7, 2020


Over the 21 years I have been promoting the Philippine railway hobby, I have seen many, many changes. Many have been great, others have unfortunately seen 
me walk away for a while.
In more recent time, the railway modelling hobby has become a big thing there.
Even I have caught the bug, and slowly build up a collection of Philippine railway items in HO scale, for a possible future layout.
Recently, I saw some photos of Gabriel Gutierrez's layout built out in his garden.
I feel confident in saying that Gabriel has likely pioneered the garden railway in his country. I have seen a number of inside layouts, but I don't recall ever seeing outside one, something that is quite common elsewhere around the world.

It is an early start, but Gabriel is certainly taking on all the challenges that garden railways bring and, I for one, am excited to see it progresses.

It is an exciting time for the hobby.
I personally are working with a few possible heritage projects in the Philippines, while the idea of a railfan based retail outlet moves steadily closer to becoming a reality.

Here's to a great future, for a great hobby.

Image may contain: outdoor

Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

Image may contain: outdoor

Image may contain: outdoor

All photos remain the copywrite of Gabriel Gutierrez and cannot be used elsewhere without his express permission.


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Contrary to popular belief, your copywrite remains with you even when you place photographs on the internet.
Beware of people, groups and pages (like Rising Philippines) who have no respect for your rights as a photographer, writer, or a person.
If you see someone partaking in this criminal act, be sure to report it to the social media outlet where it appears and to the person who's rights have been violated.
If you have the means, do seek legal advice so these sorts of people can be made an example of.
It is time to stand up to these thieves, support our fellow fans and protect our great hobby.

No photo description available.

No photo description available.

Image may contain: text

See, it ain't hard to give link credit.

Monday, March 2, 2020



We are, again, very proud to be able to show Philippine railway supporters some more photos of the new locomotives and rollingtock destined for the Philippines.An impressive looking lineup indeed, one guaranteed to gain attention while going about their railway duties. The future is as bright as these wonderful new trains.

Be ready to see them in the Philippines soon.

Maraming salamat to all in the Philippines who have made these new trains possible.

Terima kasih to INKA of Indonesia for your terrific work.

Report photograph theft

Support the railways of the Philippines.