Saturday, April 20, 2019


Manila, Philippines - 21-12-2018

A selection of shots taken during a pre-Christmas visit to Manila's
main railways station.

919 arrives with the commuter service from Alabang.

922 prepares to depart with the next commuter service to Alabang. After she departs, yard shunter 5009 will shunt out the empty carriages of the service prior.

There is no doubting that the 900 class is a great looking loco. Recently the second lot of the class have gone in for rebuild, something that should extend their lives greatly.

'Philippine Railway Historical Society' handing out the 20th anniversary magazine to train staff at Tutuban. This special issue was printed and donated freely to those in the Philippines with an interest.
It's what we do :-)

Monday, April 1, 2019