Had another display at a recent party, mostly to promote our upcoming change in charter from helping the local Manila railway society, to a charity solely for helping poor children in Manila.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Had another display at a recent party, mostly to promote our upcoming change in charter from helping the local Manila railway society, to a charity solely for helping poor children in Manila.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
RIHSPI taking control of Skyscraper city forums...
As part of the RIHSPI plan to control the railfan movement in the Philippines, it would seem many posts on SSC that are critical of them, or PNR demolishing, and destroying potential heritage assets, are now being delated.
This group supposedly for preservation, seems to heading more towards a type of railfan dictatorship, something rarely seen in preservation circles, and if it does, such schemes, or the people involved, are doomed to failure.
Well meaning individuals have tried to make a difference, however these efforts seem in vain.
If one is to go to the Philippines to research their railways and infrastructure, it would be best to keep a low profile, as quite a few rumours circulate at present about blackbans, unwelcome railfan individuals etc.
How much is genuine PNR, or RIHSPI is a point in question.As it was pointed out, the recent destruction in Caloocan, and elsewhere, under RIHSPI's nose has left even less historical items to perhaps preserve, and enjoyfor future generations.
The end result for this power grabbing, and enforcement, is assets being obliterated, while the struggles to police peoples ideas, and enthusiasm are being consolidated.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Brad and David walking back to Abad Santos and Sollis station.
Grrrrrrrr train stoppages!
BUDA (aka PUSA) Car #22 recieves an inspection much to the disgust of its informal settler who high tailed it outside the door.
Photo: Ben Exconde
Some of the remaining group at Paco.
Photographer: Unknown - - Camera: Benm Exconde
Taking a look at the newest additipons to the PNR fleet.
Photo: Ben Exconde
Morning service heads back to the cover of the carriage shed.
Photo: Ben Exconde
Tuesday, March 9, 2010