Thursday, October 29, 2009

~~ PRHS Update ~~

Howdee all,

From our end I am happy to say we have located 288 back issues of 'Railway Gazette International' from the 60-early 2000s and I am currently in the process of going through all of them to record any Philippine railway history that exists.
Sadly the railways of the Philippines don't figure heavily in there, but there has been a number of small pieces on the LRT, as well as PNR and Panay Railways.
One extended article covers the previous south line rebuild.

Our Vice-President is currently in the Philippines and is to make another $60 donation to the RIHSPI, this one being directed to the restoration of the second BUDA car.

I am hopeful of launching another fund drive early in January to assist Karel's efforts with this historic vehicle. Just got to motivate the rest of our board first :-)

Another donation, in the form of a ticket, has been made privately to a project in Naga who is doing a display of local history for the railway station.


Issue #3 of 'Along Da Riles' is now out and has been sent to members, PNR managers, other publications and industry people.
Feedback has been great as we slowly improve it, while we are now getting the occasional contributions.

Books: We are currently looking at a couple of these and trying to source costs for printing in the Philippines (to again help the economy there). A few ideas, one of which I hope to put out a help request for shortly. If anyone is interested in helping on the locomotive and railcar front,
I would be happy to hear from you.

Proceeds from these will go into RIHSPI preservation work.


Thats it for this month guys.

The research work continues endlessly, as does the more boring duties of running a society of this type

Remember: Together we can achieve anything.

Brad Peadon
Philippine Railway Historical Society

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Issue #3 of 'Along Da Riles is being distributed now.
Inside is a special inaugeration issue!

Monday, October 12, 2009

A random selection of shots found on the asawa's camera following the numerous camera hassles I experienced there.

View of Tayuman yard from Tutuban station.

New DMU pauses at Buendia station!

Speedo during test runs aimed at trying to reach 80kph.

Typhoon Tiongson taking some shots of a discovered MRR logo on the old 4w boxcar at Tayuman.
The logo appears on a bracket, or similar, near the top on the sides.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Like so many other promises I have made in recent weeks, this one to put photos of the U5B model are well behind.

However finally today I got around to doing a few shots and resizing them to show here.

It is part of the PRHS Modelling Group's idea to build a small layout based on a fictional station in Payatas.

This model is a fair bit longer than the real thing (model size), but when compared to the Frateschi model usually used for the 900s, which is also longer, they may well look acceptable enough.

Anyway, its arrival isn't marked with an immediate model, it still requires much work to get it going. This will be covered in more detail on the PRHS Philippine Modelling Yahoogroup forum.

Below are three photos.
QUIZ: Bonus points for anyone who can identify the famous series
showing on the television.

PRHS MEETING - October 5th 2009

Attending: Brad Peadon, Bill Sullivan

Apologies: Paul Hornby

PHOTO: Showing recent floods around Blumentritt - Thanks to Happosai.

Hi all,

Tonight we had the monthly meeting of the 'Philippine Railway Historical Society' in Sydney.

The largest hurdle brought up during the night was that of board attendance and interest, something that has been affected following the negativity recieved from the Philippines when we decided to change our name to assit in the need to show the separate nature of the two societies.

There seems to have been a boycott of sorts over our (well some of our) desire to still mostly assist the RIHSPI under current conditions. #

With the reduced amount of people here for the meeting there were only a few items discussed.

** Advertising in the United States has commenced with an advertisment seen in one major publication and word that it has also appeared in another.

Prior to the recent problem we were investigating some paid advertising which was to come out of our own pockets and not that of the society. This advertising would be in primary USA magazines where the most people will be found.

** We have had some contact with a major Philippine broadcaster, through and Australian agent, and this has been positive in nature.

** The research project continues apace. I have been mostly concentrating on the diesel era, with Bill Sullivan more the steam era. Paul has been busy getting married and attending to other projects in the Philippines.
When he returns he plans to help greatly with things. This will certainly take off a huge amount of the pressure that is on me.
The plan is to include research findings in the group magazine, along with anything else that is donated, for all to enjoy. To this end we are always on the lookout for copies of photos, sightings, trip reports and anything else of Philippine railway interest.

** Along Da Riles #3 is approaching completion. Having to compile this one mostly myself, plus a new baby, has put it behind a little.

** The possibility of another preservation project in the Philippines has come forth. This is still in its early days and we hope to be able to outline this more when, and if, things become a little more concrete.

Finally I thank everyone who have given their continued support.
The Philippine railway hobby is a small one, but together we can work to enjoy it more.

Brad Peadon


# - On a personal note, I am still of the belief we should continue to offer continued support to the RIHSPI as well as any other official rail preservation/restoration project being completed in the Philippines.
There is a large non confidence feeling in certain parts of that societies board, but we should not use this as a reason to not support them, thus hurting other members and the people of the country themselves.
We MUST put the Philippines first!!! This is why we entered into this project in the first place.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thank you to Ferlie Am-Is, Ning Peadon, Honey Padregalan, Pam Vose and Tom Vose for you donations to our money raising efforts for the Philippine flood victims.
We continue the project!

Thursday, October 1, 2009