Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hi there,

We have finally got PayPal up and going for memberships and donations to the ANZ (Australian/ New Zealand) chapter of the RIHSPI.
As a result we can take memberships from people outside Australia via this method (this does not include the Philippines) .

I plan to get more of our first newsletter reprinted in four weeks time, so any memberships recieved between now and then will obtain a copy, thus allowing them to get the inaugeral issue and so they have joined at the start of the membership year in April.

Membership to the RIHSPI-ANZ entitles you to:

1) 4 issues of 'Along Da Riles' each year.

2) Membership to the RIHSPI-ANZ Yahoogroup for group news and chat. You must quote your name and membership number when applying.

3) Attend any meetings of both the Philippine and Australian groups should yo
u be in town.
4) Join in any RIHSPI sponsored tours to railway locations and instalations.

5) Help preserve whats left of the Philippines rich railway history, both actual railway vehicles and in archive form.

Cost of membership for the year April - April.

Australia - $30

NZ/Fiji/SE Asia - A$34

Rest of world - A$36

** Note again: Interested people in the Philippines can contact the local group.

Your membership and donations help us with the important task of starting the museum and keeping us going.
Please consider joining us and help save Philippine railway history.

People interested in joining can contact our Vice-President and Treasurer Bill Sullivan.

bsullivan at (replace the 'at' with @)

Bill will be able to help you with the process. We are still on our 'Learners' with this :-)

Thank you for your time and support.

Brad Peadon

President: Railways and Industrial Heritage Society Phils. Inc (ANZ Chapter)

Monday, May 11, 2009


Paul Hornby's earlier photograph of Naga City station has turned out to be quite historic.
Reports are coming in that this station has recently been demolished as part of its rebuild into a more modern facitity as part of the
south line rebuild.
Hopefully the interesting Legaspi station does not experience a similar fate.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

March 11, 1904, Friday

William H. Taft, Secretary of War, held a conference in this city yesterday at the offices of his predecessor, Elihu Root, at which were present at various times during the day a dozen or so of prominent financiers. The object of the conference was to ascertain how far the capitalists of Wall Street could be induced to assist in the development of a railroad and street railway system in the Philippine Islands.

Full Story