Monday, June 30, 2008

Got Tickets On Yourself?

Yeah OK, I know I have been a little slack on the posting side of things just lately.
Haven't forgot the Tayuman/Tutban series - just a little busy totally rearranging the house and railway room.
Sadly ones asawa must be obeyed, which quite often does not leave much time for the all important hobby work to be done. Nose to the grind stone, less one wants sharp pains across ones botty caboose.

Anyway, in order to keep you enticed, below is a recent inductee into the famed halls of the 'Philippine Railways SIG' archive.

It is dated for June 16th, 1944 and appears to have been issued at Lapaz.
The traveler on the day was obviously headed for Sta Barbara. Can anyone tell me where on Panay this was?


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Like To Chat And Make Friends?

Check out all the chat forums run by the SIG, we talk about more than trains.
Come by and join us for a chat about each groups relevant topic - we always look forwad to meeting new people and you can never really have enough friends :-)

The original group and main home of the Philippine Railways SIG members.
Chat about any aspect of railways in the Philippines, heavy and light, historic and current.

Got any photos of Philippine railway topics you would like to share. Show them here and discuss other peoples efforts.

Jeepnies - Taxis - Buses - Ferries - Aircraft
For those who have a transport interest away from trains.

Interested in modelling any aspect of the Philippins, in any scale. Trains, planes, streetscapes etc. Come swap ideas or discuss latest projects here.

A place for people in the Philippines and Australia and genrally talk about anything, make friends and have a laugh.

For all the latest updates on this blogsite.

Talking about railways in other parts of Asia. Group does not include the Philippines.

Philippine Aswang
Myths - Ghostly Encounters - Filipino Beliefs
If this is of interest yto you please join us in some discussion.
A brand new group that will be slow at first.


Tayuman/Tutuban Photo Essay 2007 (Pt2)

*** Tayuman/Tutuban Photo Essay 2007 ***

In part two of this series we are looking at the area around the station and the west side of the locomotive facilities.
I am currently trying to locate the photos taken around the engine shed and the usual side of the facilities that the locomotives would be when making use of them. Have also to complete the aerial shot of the south end of the yard.

More soon.

The below two shots show the passenger waiting area of the now demolished Tayuman railway station.
The bottom of the two were taken during a visit by the SIG and show L-R Bill, Ceasar, Harvey, Nick (hidden) and Karel.

Not sure if it is possible to buy HO scale plastic figures of people as cute as your average Pinay.
If it is, please let us know :-)

Shot of Tayuman station from the south angle, plus a few of the locomotive facilities (west side) next to the station.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tayuman/Tutuban 2007 Photo Essay!


A recent enquiry about structures in Tayuman and Tutuban by Jeffrey Tamani enticed me to do a photo survey on the group for the benefit of him and others.
Jeffrey is urgently looking for an actual track diagram of the entire area for a model railway he is building. This will be a mammoth undertaking and one I look greatly forward to featuring on this blogsite in the future.
If anyone is able to help him please contact this blogsite.

The essay will proceed over the next couple of weeks as I locate shots that will be of interest. Signalling, structures, trackwork etc. Most were taken during my 2007 and 2004 trips, but next to nothing has apparently changed there as of this time.
Again, if you can help with some information, photos or other details relating to this massive yard please contact us.

Finally thank you to Jeffrey for originally bringing up the topic and good luck with the layout. Hopefully it will inspire me to move my PNR layout ahead quicker.

The above Google Earth shot shows the Tayuman (north) end of the yard, Tayuman Street being the main road running top to bottom of the image.
With the exception of the demolished Tayuman station there isn't likely to have been any changes today. It is unknown if Tayuman station is to be rebuilt, or if all its functions are now carried out at Tutuban station (see south shot later.
The numbers indicated the structures and these are outlined below.

1- Offices
2- Location of Tayuman station (recently demolished) and offices above.
3- Locomotive shed
4- Turntable pit, come green swimming pool.
5- Fuel facilities & Chargemans (Chief engineer) office.
6- PNR Police
7- Carriage workshops

** Also worth noting the train arriving from Alabang, crossing Tayuman Street at the time of the photograph.


I must have had Jeffrey in mind when I made a last minute decision to photograph our progress through the yard in the front of a 5000 class last year..
This selection of shots taken all the way from Tayuman to the terminus approach, in conjuntion with aerial shots of the area, really help the modeler get a feel of the place.

Approaching Tayuman station on our arrival back from Alabang.
This station has since been demolished, presumably it and the offices above have not been replace. Confirmation of this would be much appreciated.
Brad Peadon - 2007

Departing Tayuman station we pass the fuel facilities and chargemans office on our left. Nowdays an extended line of stored freight wagons exist here, although previously the point served in shunting the fuel point and gave access to other tracks that lead back to the depot.
Just in view to the right is the carriage workshop.
Brad Peadon - 2007

A few metres beyond the above shot, showing a better view of the carriage workshop roof.
Brad Peadon - 2007

We are pretty much level with the turntable pit now, the location
of which is to our left.

The carriages to our right are mostly deros stored beside and
behind the carriage workshops.

The tall white tower behind them is the signalbox (tower if you prefer) and lkow and behold, a rarity in the Philippines, a colour light signal on the left hand side of the line. This is quite possibly the only coloured light signal, the only 'any' signal (other than ground type) in the Philippines today.
Brad Peadon - 2007

Not sure what the large shed is on the left hand side, it is on PNR land
but I have never investigated.

Similarly, the use of the shed on the right is also unknown. It is however rail served and, despite flooded, is still used to stable wagons.
Can't miss the PNR head quarters looming in front of us. Despite the size and modern looking buildings, the station area is in an appalling state with no facilities to shelter from the weather and rather deteriorating platforms.
The dead end tracks to the left hold most of the PNR fleet of disused boxcars, while the goat in the middle of the tracks nearly became that nights dinner.
Brad Peadon - 2007

Approaching the terminus at Tutuban we find only one platform in regular use. Former Bicol cars, still in good condition I might add, rest on the opposite side.
Beyond this is a selection of carriages in various states of disrepair, with one still in the long superseded red, white and black livery.
Brad Peadon - 2007


In upcoming parts of this series we will look at the locoshed and carriage shed structures, more shots of the yard and rollingstock, plus anything else I may have photographed there and since forgotten about.
